Radio Spot #2 60 seconds (Transcript and Audio)

Tomorrow, we’ll be airing our first radio spots, you can get a listen here first.


It’s time to elect a candidate who is committed to putting Northern Minnesota first.  Hello, I’m Matt Bliss, and I’m running to be your state representative.

Like you, I’m tired of politics as usual.  I’m a political outsider. I grew up in Minnesota on a farm, served in the US Navy and now own a resort and work in technology management.

Health care costs are out of control in Northern Minnesota.  I’ll work to reduce this burden on families and small businesses in our area – and will fight to stop wasting money on MNsure’s failed website and executive bonuses.

Our local economy relies on our abundant natural resources.  As an outdoorsman and conservationist, I will support common sense policies that protect our natural resources and way of life, while still enabling job creation and economic growth in Northern Minnesota.

Government should also be accountable; it’s time we eliminate government waste and lower taxes on hard-working families.

I’m Matt Bliss and I ask for your vote on November 8th.  Let’s put Northern Minnesota first.


Vote! Tuesday, 11/8

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